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Development Environment Setup

This page describes software and configuration required to work on code in the Firebase/firebase-android-sdk repository.


The currently required version of the JDK is 11. Any other versions are unsupported and using them could result in build failures.

Android Studio

In general, the most recent version of Android Studio should work. The version that is tested at the time of this writing is Dolphin | 2021.3.1.

Download it here: Download Android Studio


If you plan to run tests on emulators(you should), you should be able to install them directly from Android Studio's AVD manager.

Github (Googlers Only)

To onboard and get write access to the github repository you need to have a github account fully linked with go/github.

File a bug using this bug template and wait for access to be granted.

After that configure github keys as usual using this Github documentation page.

Importing the repository

  1. Clone the repository with git clone --recurse-submodules

  2. Open Android Studio and click "Open an existing project".

  3. Find the firebase-android-sdk directory and open.

  4. To run integration/device tests you will need a google-services.json file.