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Getting started with AngularFire and Universal

Server-side rendering (SSR) is the process of converting a JavaScript app to plain HTML at request-time, allowing search engine crawlers and linkbots to understand page content reliably.

0. Prerequisites

  • @angular/cli >= v6.0
  • @angular/fire >= v5.0.0

1. Add Angular Universal to your project

Follow the steps from the Angular Universal Tutorial to add Universal to your project.

ng add @nguniversal/express-engine

This will create all the files you need and setup all the configurations for Universal rendering for your application.

2. Next Steps

Test your app locally by running npm run dev:ssr.

Note: dev:ssr is a command that was added to your package.json by the ng add command that will run the dev server for your Angular with Universal.

Next Step: Deploying your Universal application on Cloud Functions for Firebase